EPD (FDES) for Linius façade cladding and bladed walls available in the French INIES database

FDES vérifiée inies

Renson is committed to transparency and durability. Therefore, we are proud to announce that in France our Linius bladed walls now come with an official EPD or FDES (Fiche de Déclaration Environnementale et Sanitaire).

EPD certification, in accordance with standard NF EN 15804+A2, provides prescribers and building professionals with reliable insights into the environmental performance of Linius, from production to the end of its life cycle. This step allows us to support sustainable construction projects and meet the strictest requirements for environmentally responsible construction.


The declaration will be available on our Renson Professional Portal and can be shared in the context of, for example public, LEED and BREEAM projects.

Download the EPD and other Linius certificates 

Renson’s sustainable approach: validated EPD for Linius

The validated Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) for Linius enables Renson to take a major step towards a greener future.

The EPD for Linius is based on a standard reference of 1 m² of façade cladding with a lifespan of 50 years, which facilitates a transparent comparison. Thanks to Renson, building professionals now have an innovative bladed façade with reduced carbon impact, which does not compromise on quality and design.

Impressive CO₂ savings with Linius

The validated EPD for Linius shows a significant reduction in carbon impact. Compared to the standard reference of ‘Aluminium single-wall (2 mm-thick) façade cladding’, Linius offers CO₂ savings of as much as 91%.

More specifically, this means emissions of 24.14 kg of CO₂ equivalent per m² for Linius, compared to 275.64 kg of CO₂ equivalent per m² for the standard reference.

Curious about what sustainable enterprise means to Renson?

Renson Sustainability Statement

Recycled aluminium
ALUSolar panels on the production hall

SolarOnFactoryInternal transport electrification  
icon electric forkliftRainwater collection
icon RainwaterHarvestMinimised packaging + plastic packaging
icon packaging