Healthy indoor climate
What is it and how can you improvement it?
Did you know we spend up to 90% of our time indoors? A healthy indoor climate is therefore a necessary luxury. Without it, numerous health problems can arise, from headaches and fatigue to annoying allergies. Optimal indoor air quality is therefore a must for your family and home. You can significantly improve the indoor climate with smart interventions.
How is unhealthy interior air created?
The people who live in a house have an impact on the indoor climate. We breathe, clean, cook, etc. Each of these activities can “pollute” the indoor air. When we talk about poor air quality, the 3 main “polluters” are:
Excess CO2: Large amounts of CO2 let you know the air in the house is of poor quality and needs to be replaced. CO2 can be found in the air we exhale, and although it is not harmful in itself, excess concentrations can cause health problems such as headaches and fatigue, or it can make asthma attacks worse. A good CO2-monitor will allow you to monitor the amount of CO2 in your home.
Volatile Organic Compounds (Odours): Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC), can be found in paint, cleaning products, aerosols, etc. They find their way into our living spaces and drastically reduce the air quality. These substances are the main reason for the fact that the air in the house is up to 5 times more polluted than the air outside.
Air humidity: Did you know regular activities in a home, such as cooking and washing (and even just breathing) can produce up to 10 litres of moisture per day? If that moist air remains in the house, condensation can form, and in the long run this can cause mould formation in the home. You want to avoid that for both your home and yourself.
Improving your indoor climate in 3 areas
How do you prevent polluted air lingering around your home? By venting it from the home as soon as possible. Ventilation is the first important step towards achieving a healthy indoor climate. We have listed the options one by one for you:
Ventilation system

Our smart and fully automatic mechanical extract ventilation systems work with detectors. They continuously measure the amount of CO2, VOCs (odours) or moist air in the interior air. Should these concentrations become too high, the ventilation system automatically kicks in to remove the polluted air as quickly as possible. The vented air is then replaced by fresh, healthy air from outdoors.
More infoWindow vents

Window ventilation brings a controlled amount of fresh air from outside through dry spaces such as the bedroom or living room. Renson develops its solutions for window vents with a view to invisible integration into the façade. This is a perfect interplay of technique and aesthetics.
More infoOutdoor blinds

Sun protection fabric offers maximum control over the sunlight that enters a room and heating that is allowed to pass through the windows. Leave the outdoor blinds down all day during the summer to block out the sunrays before they reach the glass and heat up the inside of the house. And by leaving the outdoor blinds open again in winter, take maximum advantage of the free solar heat.
More infoBrise soleil shading

Are you looking for an architectural asset that can also be used to regulate the indoor temperature? Structural brise soleil shading becomes a permanent and prominent part of your façade. The blades are designed in such a way that they bring in (or block out) the best of the sun in every season.
More infoMeasuring indoor air quality

At home, school, office or with family: we all breathe the same indoor air. If there is no or insufficient ventilation, the interior air will automatically contain a lot of CO2 or harmful substances. CO2 can’t be smelt or seen, but you can keep a close eye on CO2 levels with the Renson Sense. You will then know quickly when to ventilate in order to maintain the air quality.
Time to take action

Do you want to improve the indoor climate in your home? Be sure to visit a Renson distributor near you. They will help you look at all the different solutions and help you find the right one for your home or project, tailored to your daily life. Are you planning a new construction? Then a visit to our Concept Home is an absolute must. There you can find out all about our Renson products and how they integrate perfectly to give you a thoroughly healthy indoor climate.