SOS Sleeplessness?
The ‘classic’ solutions to sleep better
If you have problems falling asleep or to sleep through the night, you’ll always get the following solutions/advices: do not drink coffee/caffeine before going to bed, do not take your smartphone with you in the bedroom, live more regularly, etc.
The air quality in your bedroom
The air quality in your bedroom is an often forgotten cause. You’ve probably already noticed the stale smell in your bedroom when you wake up? So, have you ever thought about the fact that you were all night in that tiny room, breathing in the same air over and over again. Not exactly a nice thought, isn't it?
Overheating and sleep problems
Last but not least, we’d like to emphasize the importance of your bedroom’s temperature. For example, who doesn’t have any problems falling asleep in summer when temperatures exceed 30°C? Avoiding overheating is essential for a good night's sleep.
Did you know…
We’d like to finish this article with 4 problematic sleep facts. For each problem we offer a possible solution.
1) … that everybody loses half a liter of fluid per night? In an unventilated bedroom the air is so moist and unhealthy that you shouldn’t breathe it in anymore. A demand-controlled ventilation system increases the ventilation level if humidity is detected.
2) … the CO2 level in the bedroom is extremely high in your bedroom? An adult produces 450 litres of CO2 per day… just by breathing in and out. In an unventilated bedroom this leads to a lack of oxygen-rich air. Oxygen is incredibly important for a good night’s sleep. A demand-controlled ventilation system controls the CO2-level and replaces the polluted indoor air by fresh oxygen-rich air when it detects an increase of the CO2-level.
3) … that the perfect temperature in your bedroom is between 16 and 18°C? Avoiding overheating is very important. External solar shading is a good solution to keep the bedroom fresh. Curtains on the other hand are a lot less effective. Screens stop the sun rays before they reach the glass, curtains don’t.
4) … that you don’t need an airconditioning system to create the perfect temperature in your bedroom? Keeping the sun out of your bedroom helps a lot. But in order to keep your room fresh, it’s important to ventilate it all night long. By means of (nightcooling) louvres for instance. The advantage is that you don’t need an expensive energy-consuming airconditioning system.