CO2 monitor
CO2 monitors for peace of mind around the home
To measure is to know. There's no way you can smell deteriorating air quality, so a reliable monitor is indispensable. If you're looking for a pointer on when to ventilate and you'd like to know the exact extent of the problem, a reliable CO2 monitor offers peace of mind around the home — or in any other space where multiple people are gathered.
What is a CO2 monitor?
A CO2 monitor is an important sensor for the air quality in your home. This type of device accurately measures and reports the concentration of CO2 in the air, in parts per million. If this concentration of CO2 starts to rise to dangerous levels, the sensor raises the alarm. That way, you — or your demand-driven ventilation system — know that urgent action is required to improve your air quality.

Live healthy indoors

Improve your home

Sophisticated design
CO2 monitor for schools
COVID-19 forced us to face up to the truth: the air quality in classrooms leaves much to be desired. Ventilation has become indispensable in schools, and Renson Sense is the ideal way to monitor the indoor air throughout the school day. This CO2 monitor offers a clear indication of the volume of air breathed out — which may contain virus particles — in the room at any time. Its objective measurements offer insight into the current air quality.

Request your brochure
Eager to explore the possibilities ventilation offers?
Find inspiration in our product brochure ›Dangers of not having a CO2 monitor
You can't smell or sense CO2. When you walk into a room and it smells a bit musty, that might be a clue. However, once you're in the room, you'll soon become accustomed to the smell, and you won't even notice that anymore. In other words: without a CO2 monitor, there's no way to get any sense of the level of CO2 in the indoor air. Once you know the impact this substance can have on your health — loss of concentration, headache and so on — you'll realise the best thing to do is to add a reliable monitor to your space.
What are the advantages of a CO2 monitor?
A CO2 monitor constantly analyses the air quality and lets you know whether a space is sufficiently ventilated. The device raises the alarm when you need to increase the supply of fresh air because there is too much CO2 indoors, and you need to intervene to keep the indoor climate healthy. And that has multiple advantages.
CO2 doesn't get the chance to cause headache or tiredness, and your concentration levels remain unaffected.
- You can limit the spread of viruses and pathogens, such as COVID-19.
- By ventilating only when necessary, you save energy
CO2 monitors in the hospitality sector
Monitoring the air quality is mandatory in the hospitality sector, except in outdoor seating areas. A CO2 monitor allows you to stay in control of your indoor air quality. The standard level is 900 ppm, so if the CO2 monitor shows a higher level, you'll need to ventilate more intensively. By the day, did you know the app keeps historical data? That way, you can see at any moment what the air quality was at a specific point in time.
Why choose a Renson® CO2 monitor?
Renson has been dedicated to a healthy indoor climate for over 50 years — and reliable detectors and sensors are an essential part of that.
Renson Sense is an accurate and easy-to-use device that monitors the CO2 level in the air.
Clear colour codes and modern design put Sense ahead of the pack in terms of CO2 monitors, and it's the same quality as every other Renson product, of course.