Things to compare if you want to buy a louvered pergola
You can use it as a lounge area for reading or admiring your garden, as a pool house for barbecuing with friends, or for having the nicest outdoor meals with your family ... Needless to say, louvered pergolas offer endless possibilities – not to mention options for customization. Do you have your heart set on installing a louvered canopy, but are you not quite sure what to look for? Let’s compare the most important criteria!

How to compare louvered pergolas
What material are the louvers made of?
The very first question you need to ask yourself before buying a louvered pergola is whether you prefer a wooden or an aluminum pergola. The latter material is extremely light yet sturdy, and guarantees a beautiful and solid finish. Aluminum is also low-maintenance, resistant to UV radiation and available in numerous shades.
If you prefer things au naturel, wood is the more logical option for you. Please note, however, that it is not maintenance-free and can become dirty or turn greenish over time. Finally, wood is not water resistant and less durable than aluminum.
Having trouble deciding? You’ll be pleased to know that combining an aluminum canopy with wooden accents is perfectly possible thanks to Loggia panels.
How do you want to tilt the louvers?
We recommend selecting a canopy with orientable louvers, as it not only allows you to choose whether you want to bask in the sun or enjoy the shade, but also ensures you’ll always be dry and comfortable. And why not make it extra easy on yourself and opt for a remote control to operate the roof?
Will the louvers keep your patio dry when closed?
Make sure the canopy’s roof is resistant to heavy rains. The Renson Camargue, for instance, will keep you dry even if it rains 180 millimeters per hour for two minutes; the kind of rainfall so heavy that it only occurs once every fifteen years.
Renson also paid attention to the smaller details, enabling you to tilt the louvers to enjoy the first rays of sun immediately after a rainfall. The water will neatly flow away without wetting your patio.
A louvered canopy tailored to your preferences
Finally, Renson offers virtually endless personalisation possibilities. Have your pick from our freestanding or attached canopies and feel free to combine multiple patio covers. Be sure to browse our lighting and heating options as well.