Maximize daylight
Minimize overheating


Villa Opio

The connection between sheltered domesticity and the free outdoor feeling is a powerful dialogue to play with as an architect. Large windows are an ideal solution for this. Of course, it also has to stay pleasant behind that much glass during warm periods. Screens guarantee an open view and a pleasant indoor climate, without compromising the architecture.

Even with thermally insulated glazing, sun protection is crucial to optimise comfort inside

Didier Frega Architecte

This glassy villa draws in maximum views over an exceptional estate in southern France. Fortunately, the hot summer sun does not. Screens on the corner windows and the large, flat windows block the sun's rays and prevent the interior from heating up too much. The integrated louvred roof also makes the terrace a pleasant place to be all year round.

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Didier Frega


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Great architecture should not lose sight of a design’s liveability. Large windows blur the boundary between indoors and outdoors, but it would be a shame if this came at the expense of comfort. Sun protection, stylishly integrated in design and building, allows you to install the windows you want without any risk of overheating.

A good balance between maximum daylight
and a pleasant temperature

Dirk Moerman & Levi Deryckere, Demo+ Architecten

Dirk Moerman and Levi Deryckere of Demo+ Architects swear by maximizing comfort for the residents and users of their projects. They therefore focus heavily on textile sun shading and aim for maximum daylight by integrating large windows into their designs. Dynamic external solar shading is integrated from the design stage onwards. Just like in House C in Zedelgem.

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Dirk Moerman & Levi Deryckere


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Architecture as a reflection of life is impossible without daylight. Light is life… the interplay of light and shade reveals the forms which you as an architect envision, giving them meaning and creating harmony in the space.

Interplay with light changes the perception of the space

Wijnand Thomassen, Boxxis Architecten

In Nijlen, in the middle of the quiet (Belgian) region of De Kempen, there’s a modern villa which was designed by Boxxis Architecten and built in 2018. Architect Wijnand Thomassen talks about his inspiration, his play with sunlight and how sun shading assists.

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Wijnand Thomassen


"The details are not the details, they make the design." (Charles Eames) 
Subtle, fine integrations provide a sense of calm in the architecture. Like the Fixscreen Minimal solar screen, whose minimal dimensions allow a subtle installation.

Discover the Fixscreen Minimal in all its details

Miniem & oogstrelend

Discover Renson's sun protection and outdoor solutions