Renson® sun protection: simple, sleek and storm-proof

Wind-proof sun protection
Külby's architects set demanding requirements for the penthouses' sun protection. Not only did it have to be sleek and the right color, it had to be stripe-free. Above all, the vertical screens had to be storm-proof. The architects supplied the window manufacturers with the specifications for the vertical awnings. In their search for technically mature awnings with a sophisticated design, the installer turned to the Belgian market leader Renson®. It was the first company in Europe to develop storm-proof awnings. This manufacturer's range of products now includes almost all known applications of vertical awnings, in combination with ventilation systems, for both new builds and retrofits.
For the penthouses at The Yard, vertical Fixscreens® with straight-lined cases in a square, extruded aluminum design and equally straight-lined lateral aluminum reveals were ordered. The reveals with integrated guide rails cleanly cover the entire installation, which is only 19 cm thick, including insulation and plaster, in the window reveal area. This creates a simple and elegant solution around the large windows. In a color matching the bronze-colored aluminum windows, the screens slot seamlessly into the façade fronts.
Fixscreen®: guided and transparent
Renson®'s Fixscreens® were the world's first truly wind-resistant vertical awnings. This was achieved thanks to the screens' high-quality extruded aluminum profiles and many new technical solutions. These include side guides with a zipper system and heavy, robust end rails.

The range of different materials, colours and properties of modern fabrics are crucial to the screens' economic success. Impressive glass fibre fabrics, for example, with their embossed and coloured fabric structure and great decorative impact. Fabric colour plays a decisive role in heat transfer, light filtering, UV protection and the colour of light inside the room. Coated polyester fabrics can be completely opaque and dark, or they can be translucent and provide different degrees of transparency, as desired.
Sleek, high and over-corner
Renson's storm-proof screens are available up to a maximum size of 22 m² and up to a height of 6 metres. This allows a single piece of storm-proof fabric to span two storeys. Just such an awning was installed on a two-storey window in one of these exclusive penthouses.

Berlin's The Yard also used large fabric awnings to reach around corner windows. This particular solution, also invented by Renson®, is called Panovista Max and can shade corner windows in a single unit. The Panovista®Max features two pieces of fabric from two separate cases connected at the corner using a zipper. When lowered, it provides seamless, completely closed over-corner sun protection. And if you lower it all the way to the ground, these awnings also act as mosquito protection. The over-corner awning can be used on window fronts up to 6 metres wide and up to 3.4 metres high, both sides combined. The maximum total area of a Panovista® Max awning is 30 m².
With a wide range of high quality fabrics, specially designed extruded aluminum profiles with integrated guide rails in the reveals, slim screen cases and special heavy-duty screen end rails, Renson® offers a versatile screen system with a wide range of applications. This wide range of products provides adapted solutions for each of the building's different penthouses while maintaining a uniform and unobtrusive appearance.