The first 3D printed, healthy home in Europe
Meet the first 3D printed house in Europe. Recently Camp C, Flanders Centre for Sustainability and Innovation, printed a 90 m² large two-storey house (8m high) in one piece with the largest 3D concrete printer in Europe. This has never been done before. In order to create a healthy indoor climate, the Healthbox 3.0, our smart ventilation system, and our window vent, the Invisivent Air, were integrated into the building. We are proud that our innovative products are part of such a revolutionary project.
3D-printing: an uprising trend in the construction industry
The aim of this project was to print the building shell in one piece on site. According to Emiel Ascione, project manager at Camp C, this is an exceptional project. It is not the first 3D printed home, but it is "unique (...) that the house has been printed in one piece with an on-site 3D concrete printer. Moreover, this is a two-storey house. Most of the buildings that have been 3D-printed so far only consisted of one floor. They were printed in a factory and then assembled on-site. As a result, an estimated sixty percent on material, time, and budget was saved. In total it took three weeks to erect the building, but in the near future, it is expected that this will be possible in just two days.

Printed in one piece
The aim of this project was to print the building shell in one piece on site. According to Emiel Ascione, project manager at Camp C, this is an exceptional project. It is not the first 3D printed home, but it is "unique (...) that the house has been printed in one piece with an on-site 3D concrete printer. Moreover, this is a two-storey house. Most of the buildings that have been 3D-printed so far only consisted of one floor. They were printed in a factory and then assembled on-site.
As a result, an estimated sixty percent on material, time, and budget was saved. In total it took three weeks to erect the building, but in the near future, it is expected that this will be possible in just two days.
A healthy home thanks to good ventilation
Thermal bridges in a home increase the energy consumption (and in the end: the end user's energy bill), which is why we insulate our homes. In this 3D printed house, this was taken into account upfront, so that there are as few thermal bridges as possible.
The disadvantage of well-insulated homes however is that there is a lack of ventilation. The indoor air is thus heavily polluted. The air is full of CO2, moisture and toxic VOCs (volatile organic compounds). Ventilation is extremely important for the end user’s comfort and health. In this project the Renson C+ ventilation system was installed. Our window vent, the Invisivent Air, the standard in terms of acoustics, energy consumption and thermal comfort, supplies the air in a natural way. The Renson Healthbox 3.0 removes the polluted indoor air mechanically.

Healthbox® 3.0, a smart and connected ventilation system
The Healthbox 3.0 is called a smart ventilation system because it only ventilates in places where and when there are people present. The ventilation system continuously monitors the house for CO2. This is the substance present in the air we breathe out. If there is a lot of CO2 in the air, this means that the air quality is no longer healthy and urgently needs to be refreshed.

If everyone is at work, then the ventilation system functions at basic level. However if there are people in the kitchen, for example, the smart ventilation system will notice this and will provide extra ventilation. The Healthbox 3.0 adapts itself automatically to the life of the end user.
As an experienced player in the construction industry, we are aware of the enormous value and the potential of this project. We are proud of the fact that we can be part of this with our innovative healthy living solutions.
Partners: Renson Ambassador Beneens, ETIB/Concrete House, Groep Van Roey, Thomas More, Trias Architecten, UGent, Vicré en Saint-Gobain Weber.